Quick Install Guide

MCNPy is packaged as a Python wheel and thus is installed like a regular package.



The Python dependencies will be automatically retrieved during installation.


At this time, MetaPy must be manually downloaded and then installed from the .whl file. Running pip install metapy will retrieve the wrong package.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.rpi.edu/NuCoMP/mcnpy.git.

  2. Ensure you are running the desired Python environment.
    • Try conda activate ENV_NAME to switch.

  3. Run pip install /path/to/cloned/repo/dist/mcnpy-X.whl where X is the version.
    • All dependencies except metapy will be downloaded if needed.

    • metapy must be installed from the MetaPy repository.

  4. Done!


pip uninstall mcnpy