Brief Bio
Victor H. Robles
I am an Astrophysicist researching fundamental aspects of the Universe. I work to unravel the dark matter nature, galaxy formation and the relation between quantum physics phenomena and astrophysics, what I like to call Quantum Astrophysics.
Press Release
Is Dark Matter Fuzzy?
A tiny dark matter particle mass induces wave-like properties in the dark matter density field that leads to overdensity ripples, these could leave an imprint in the IGM in Clusters of galaxies.
Wave Dark Matter
This is one of our simulations of ultra light/wave dark matter revealing that not only light and sound, but also dark matter displays wave interference and turbulence all over the Universe.
Galaxy Formation
Numerical simulations are a way to understand the dark matter distribution in cosmological scales and through it how galaxies form and evolve.
Left image: Hubble Ultra Deep Field.
Quantum Astrophysics
Using detail observations of galaxies at multiple wavelenghts and following a new approach to the interpretation of de Broglie–Bohm theory, I aim to connect the quantum physics realm with Astrophysics.
Brief Bio
Victor H. Robles
I am an Astrophysicist researching fundamental aspects of the Universe. I work to unravel the dark matter nature, galaxy formation and the relation between quantum physics phenomena and astrophysics, what I like to call Quantum Astrophysics.

My Research

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

The dark matter comprise 25% of the total matter in the Universe and yet its nature remains unknown. Recent observations in dwarf galaxies suggest the standard model of cosmology may be flawed. My work focuses on unraveling its nature by exploring different dark matter scenarios, including but not limited to the standard Cold Dark Matter paradigm, Self-Interacting dark matter and the ultra-light Scalar Field/Bose-Einstein Dark Matter.

Galaxy Formation

Galaxy Formation

Despite the existence of millions of galaxies in our Universe, galaxies share some fundamental properties. Numerical simulations allow us to test our understanding of how galaxies form by following the complex evolution that they undergo for 13.7 Billion years (about the age of the Universe) in just a few minutes! As a member of the FIRE project, I use the code GIZMO to perform hydrodynamics simulations. My research centers on analyzing the non-linear impact on the stars and gas in dwarf galaxies caused by modifications in the dark matter nature; recently I started the project "FIRE in the Freezer".


Quantum Astrophysics

It is often believed that quantum physics phenomena are restricted to small scales, far smaller than those we encounter in our everyday life. However, recent advances in experiments with quantum fluids and cold atoms have proven the contrary, one example is Bose-Einstein condensation. Interestingly, if dark matter has quantum properties at galactic scales, then each galaxy would reside in a macroscopic Bose-Eintein condensate of dark matter. I am actively working on deriving theoretical and observational implications of such quantum mechanics-astrophysics connection.