Assignment 1

Before you start working on this assignment please click File -> Save a Copy in Drive.

Before you turn this problem in, make sure everything runs as expected. First, restart the kernel (in the menubar, select Kernel → Restart) and then run all cells (in the menubar, select Cell → Run All). You can speak with others regarding the assignment but all work must be your own.

This is a 30 point assignment.


Please work through each of these notebooks, which will give you some understanding of the Google Colab environment.

Working with Data

Some of this is a bit more advanced, but at this point just make sure you know where the code is for how to upload and download a file.

Run these Cells

This will setup the automated testing environment on Colab

files = "" 
!pip install otter-grader && wget $files && unzip -o
#Run this. It initiates autograding. 
import otter
grader = otter.Notebook()

Question 1.

In the next cell:

a. Assign the value for x to 150

b. Set the value for y to 13 times x

c. Set the value for z to y divided by x squared.

#enter your answer here

#Run this cell to see if you passed the test.  If it fails, you probably didn't run the above required code. 

Question 2.

Packages are really important compontent of most programming languages.

In the overview, you learnned about tab completion as a way to explore python objects. This can be really useful. Let’s use it to find the formula for the the factorial of 15. Assign the results to the variable m.

#we have to first import the math function to use tab completion. 
import math  
#Assign the result to the variable m.  Press tab after the period to show available functions
m = math.
#Run this cell to see if you passed the test.  If it fails, you probably didn't run the above required code. 

Question 3.

Markdown is a useful aspect of Jupyter Notebooks.

Use what you learned about markdown to adjust the text below to create the following:

Double click on cell below to open it for markdown editing. There is no test for this question.

Header For the above header, make it an h1 tag using markdown.

Sub-Header For the above sub-header, make it an h5 tag using markdown.


(Embed this image)

Question 4.

Installing Packages

Python packages are an important part of data science and critical to leveraging the broader Python ecosystem.

You typically have two options when installing a package. You can install it with Conda or pip.

The ! in a jupyter notebook means that the line is being processed on the commmand line and not by the Python interpreter.

!conda install -c conda-forge <packagename>

!pip install <packagename>

If you try to import something and get an error, it is usally a tell that you need to install a package.

Install the fastparquet Package to be able to work with Parquet Files

  • CSV (comma delimited files are great for humans to read and understand.

  • For “big data” though, it isn’t a great long term storage option (inefficient/slow).

  • Parquet is a type columnar storage format. It makes dealing with lots of columns fast.

  • fastparquet is a Python package for dealing with Parquet files.

  • Apache Spark also natively reads Parquet Files.

  • Look here for instructions on installing the fastparquet package.

#Install package for fastparquet here.   Please comment it out after installing. 
#Run this to try to load the name.parq. It won't work unless you downloaded the file and installed the package. 
from fastparquet import ParquetFile  #This imports the package. 
import pandas as pd  #pandas is usually imported as pd
pf = ParquetFile('./data/Demographic_Statistics_By_Zip_Code.parq')
dfparq = pf.to_pandas()   #This changes the Parquet File object to a pandas dataframe. We will learn more about that later. 
dfparq.head()  #Just listing the value prints it out. 

Show All Columns in a Pandas Dataframe

Notice there is a ... which indicates you are only seeing some of the columns, and the output has been truncated.

Read this article and find how to show all the columns of a pandas dataframe.

#Set the display options to show all columns. 
#This will print out the notebook. 
#View the dataframe and set the following values to the numbers you see for row 0. Don't put in quotes.  
row_0_count_participants=    #enter what you see above.
row_0_count_hispanic_latino=  #enter what you see above. 
#Run this cell to see if you passed the test.  

Question 5.

Importing CSV into a Pandas Dataframe

  • Comma delimited files are a common way of transmitting data.

  • Data for different columns is separated by a comma.

  • It is possible to open a csv in different ways, but Pandas is the easiest.

  • Data structured like CSV’s are extremely common and known as tabular data.

  • Pandas will give access to many useful methods for working with data.

  • pandas is often imported as the abbreviated pd.

  • You can also get help by using a ? after the method call. For example, to find the doc string for the read csv function you could execute:

pd.read_csv? or


# Adjust the code below so that you load only the first 100 rows of a dataframe and assign to df_smalle

Get CSVs from the Web/Github.

You can also get a CSV directly from a web url.

View this file in your web browser. You won’t be able to load this into pandas.

To get the link you can load, you need to click on the raw button. That should lead to this url:

# Load the web url and set it equal to df_web
df_web = 
#Run this cell to see if you passed the test.  


It should run without errors.

Click File -> Download .ipynb to download the assignment. Then Upload it to Assignment 1 in the LMS.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license agreement.